Land stewardship
The land stewardship is a set of strategies and tools that aim to involve owners and land users in conservation and good use of values and the natural, cultural and landscape resources. To achieve this , it promotes agreements and mechanisms for ongoing collaboration between owners, custodians and other public and private actors (Basra Rock, X. and Sabaté i Rotés, X. 2006).
A custody agreement is a voluntary procedure between an owner and custodian to agree on how to conserve and manage a territory. The pact can be verbal or written (Basra Rock, X. and Sabaté i Rotés, X. 2006).
The custodians are public or private non-profit organizations actively involved in conservation techniques territory by land stewardship. They can act as custodian organizations as diverse as a neighborhood association, a conservation organization, a foundation, a town hall, a consortium and other public body (Basra Rock, X. and Sabaté i Rotés, X. 2006).
Nationally, the meeting point between banks and custody occurs through the Land Stewardship Platform.
- Land Stewardship Platform:
- Forum Networking and Land Stewardship Entities:
Land stewardship networks in Spain:
- Xarxa Territori CUSTODY:
- Avinenca, Valencian Association of custody and charge Gestió del Territori :.
- Ínsulas, Red Andaluza de Custodia and Land Management:
- CTIB, Drivers of Land Stewardship in the Balearic Islands:
- Galega group of custodians do Territory (AGECT):
- RTCCT, Red Land Stewardship Transcantábrica:
- Stewardship Network of Castilla y León:
- Land Stewardship Network in Madrid and Castilla-La Mancha:
The agrarian stewardship entity for adaptation to climate change through soil conservation and implementation of the 4 per thousand initiative of the LIFE AMDRY C4 project is the Asociación de Custodia Agraria por el Clima (ACAC): its primary goal is to promote joint action of partners in the implementation of carbon capture and storage projects through soil management, other agricultural practices and the adaptation of agro-livestock ecosystems to new climate scenarios.
The territory stewardship entity ACAC has 84 agreements signed in the whole of the Region of Murcia.