LIFE AMDRYC4 is a demonstration project with an innovative character that presents a new approach to promote natural solutions for the adaptation to climate change of dryland agricultural systems in the Mediterranean area.
Belonging to the 2016 call of the LIFE Programme, as part of the Climate Action subprogram, its main objective is the promotion and promotion of resilience to dryland agriculture climate in Mediterranean areas and its sustainable, intelligent and integrated management, as a basic tool for adapting to climate change based on ecosystems (EbA) and strengthening its mitigating role as carbon sinks, so that they are sustainable and persistent.
DURATION: 01/09/2017 – 31/12/2022.
PROJECT BUDGET: 1.863.729 € (60% Cofinanciación Europea – 1.118.166 €).
The main objective of this proposal is the promotion and development of climatic resilience in Mediterranean dry farming areas and its sustainable, smart and integrated management as a tool for climate change adaptation based on Ecosystems (EbA), as well as its mitigation role as sustainable and persistent carbon sinks.
- To implement adaptive solutions through soft-technologies and sustainable, smart and integrated measures leading to an Ecosystem based Adaptation (AbE) to climate change, with a practical and demonstrative development of the project among main stakeholders.
- To develop methodologies and monitoring indicators to quantify and assess transformative changes in carbon stock in soils (4 per 1000 initiative), ecosystem services of natural capital, and combat against desertification on Mediterranean dryland farming soils.
- To contribute to a more accurate practice-oriented knowledge, and an enhancement of these agricultural systems, through modelling of organic carbon accountability and ecosystem services to assess adaptation (EbA) and climate change mitigation, integrating cost-benefit analysis.
- To encourage ex ante and ex post transferability and replicability of project actions, through implication of stakeholders interested in promotion with Voluntary Agreements with farmers. Establishment of a Land Stewardship Entity as a catalyst and driver for the adoption of the adaptation strategy.
- To promote sustainable, smart and integrated development, through improvement of dryland farming soils, in order to encourage the fixing of the population to its territory, circular economy and rural employment.
- To contribute to governance, analyzing financial instruments, and concreting new proposals for after-LIFE project sustainability that allows sustainable, smart and integrated growth in rural areas with dry farming.
- To inform, create awareness and encourage main stakeholders in dry farming systems about sustainability in order to encourage a change in corporate culture, through the promotion of the calculation of carbon footprint, that will allow progress towards a low carbon economy and implementation of EbA.
Project Actions
A. Preparatory actions- A1 Redaction of technical projects and management of necessary authorizations for “Actions C” or Implementation actions.
- C1 Prototype for the generation of organic matter composted with local waste, for use in dryland agriculture.
- C2 Experiences of organic agriculture with local composted waste for soil improvement and promotion of the local economy.
- C3 Adaptation actions based on natural ecosystems associated with dryland farms in areas affected by climate change.
- C4 Methodological guide for the modeling of organic carbon accounting for the mitigation and adaptation of dryland agricultural soils.
- C5 Agricultural Custody Entity for adaptation to climate change through soil conservation and implementation of the initiative 4 per thousand.
- C6 Replicability and transferability strategy of lessons learned in the proposal.
- D1 Monitoring of physical, chemical and biological indicators for analysis of mitigation measures, ecosystem services and climate adaptation.
- D2 Monitoring of the socio-economic impact derived from the project.
- D3 Monitoring the role of the land stewardship entity for adaptation to climate change.
- E1 Communication tools.
- E2 Networking, networks with professionals.
- E3 Production of technical and informative material.
- E4 Involvement of experts, stakeholders and interest groups.
- E5 External communication and public relations office.
- F1 Project management by UMU, coordinating beneficiary.
- F2 Internal communication, meetings and training for partners.
- F3 Monitoring of project progress indicators.
- F4 Communication plan after the LIFE project.
Cronograma de actuación

Development of the project LIFE AMDRYC4 will take place in the Region of Murcia (Spain), as a geographical area representative of the Mediterranean area.
The actions contemplated in the project will be carried out in 4 experimental plots located in different points of the Region of Murcia::
- El Moralejo (Caravaca de la Cruz)
- Xiquena (Lorca)
- Nogalte (Lorca)
- Corvera (Murcia)
Development of the project LIFE AMDRYC4 will take place in the Region of Murcia (Spain), as a geographical area representative of the Mediterranean area.
The “Initiative 4/1000: Soils for food security and climate” aims to ensure that agriculture plays its role in combating climate change.
Possibilities of action
Governments and local authorities can:
- Implement training programs for farmers and agricultural advisors to increase organic matter in soils.
- Contribute to finance carbon capture development projects.
- Develop policies that promote sustainable land management.
Development banks, donors and private companies can:
- Support development projects that facilitate the dissemination and implementation of sustainable agricultural practices.
- Finance development projects, training courses or implementation of measurement, notification and verification systems.
Farmers and food producer organizations can:
- Work together with the scientific community and NGOs to promote sustainable agricultural practices.
The main objective of the proposal is the promotion and promotion of resilience to rainfed agriculture climate in Mediterranean areas and its sustainable, intelligent and integrated management, as a basic tool for adaptation to climate change based on ecosystems (EbA) and strengthen its mitigating function as carbon sinks, so that they are sustainable and persistent.
LIFE AMDRYC4 project incorporates among its target audience those capable agents who, through their support and collaboration, contribute to achieving the goal of adapting to the problem of climate change.
- Representatives of all political parties
- Business associations
- Representatives of agricultural organizations
- Agricultural land managers
- Public administration
What is LIFE?
LIFE Programme is the EU’s funding instrument for the environment and climate action for 2014-2020 period. The general objective of LIFE is to contribute to the implementation, updating and development of EU environmental and climate policy and legislation by co-financing projects with European added value.
LIFE Climate Action is one of the two sub-programmes of the European Union’s main funding programme for the environment. It supports both climate change mitigation and climate change adaptation projects.
The main objectives of LIFE Climate Action are to:
- Contribute to the shift towards a low-carbon and climate-resilient economy;
- Improve the development, implementation and enforcement of EU climate change policy and legislation;
- Support better environmental and climate change governance at all levels; and
- Support the implementation of the 7th Environment Action Programme.
What is the project budget?
Total Budget for the project reaches a total amount of 1.863.729 €. European Union co-finances with 1.118.166 €, corresponding the rest of the budget to partners’ contribution. Therefore, UMU, the Coordinating beneficiary, contributes with 338.570 € of own funds. The associated beneficiaries contribute as follows: OISMA with 185.405 €, IDEN with 176.253 €, COAG with 72.181 €, and NCC with 52.557 €.
¿Qué es el Programa LIFE?
El Programa de Medio Ambiente y Acción por el Clima (LIFE) es el instrumento financiero de la Unión Europea dedicado al medio ambiente para el periodo 2014-2020. Su objetivo general se basa en catalizar los cambios en el desarrollo y la aplicación de las políticas mediante la aportación de soluciones y mejores prácticas para lograr los objetivos medioambientales y climáticos, así como mediante la promoción de tecnologías innovadoras en materia de medio ambiente y cambio climático.
El subprograma de Acción por el Clima, al que pertenece este proyecto, en líneas generales, contribuirá a que se produzca la transición hacia una economía hipocarbónica y resiliente al cambio climático en la UE, apuntalando estratégicamente la ejecución del paquete de medidas relativas al cambio climático y la energía para 2020 y la estrategia de la UE en relación con la adaptación al cambio climático, y preparará a la UE para los retos que deparará el cambio climático hasta 2030. Por supuesto, pretende proporcionar una mejor gobernanza climática a todos los niveles, incluyendo una mayor participación de la sociedad civil, las ONG y los agentes locales.
¿De qué presupuesto se dispone para ejecutar el proyecto?
El presupuesto total del proyecto asciende a 1.863.729 €, del cual la Unión Europea aporta una cofinanciación de 1.118.166 €, correspondiendo el resto del presupuesto a los socios. El beneficiario coordinador, la Universidad de Murcia, contribuye con un total de 338.570 €. Los beneficiarios asociados por su parte contribuyen del siguiente modo; COAG con 72.181 €, IDEN con 176.253 €, NCC con 52.557 € y la OISMA con 185.405 €.
Finalidad del proyecto LIFE AMDRYC4
El principal objetivo de la propuesta es la promoción y el fomento de la resiliencia al clima de agricultura de secano en áreas mediterráneas y su gestión sostenible, inteligente e integrada, como una herramienta básica para adaptación al cambio climático basada en ecosistemas (AbE) y fortalecer su función mitigadora como sumideros de carbono, para que sean sostenibles y persistentes.
¿Con qué sectores se trabajará en el proyecto LIFE AMDRYC4?
El proyecto LIFE AMDRYC4 incorpora entre su público objetivo a aquellos agentes capaces que, por medio de su apoyo y colaboración, contribuyan a alcanzar el objetivo de la adaptación al problema del cambio climático.
- Representantes de todos los partidos políticos
- Asociaciones empresariales
- Representantes de organizaciones agrarias
- Gestores de terrenos agrarios
- Administración pública
Project beneficiaries
Coordinating Beneficiary

Associated Beneficiaries