LIFE AMDRYC4, a project to adapt to climate change

The LIFE Financial Program has approved the development and execution of the LIFE Project AMDRYC4 LIFE16 CCA / ES / 000123 – Adaptation to climate change of rainfed agricultural systems in the Mediterranean area – led by the University of Murcia, which includes among its main objectives the promotion and promotion of resilience to the climate of rainfed agriculture in Mediterranean areas and its sustainable, intelligent and integrated management, as a basic tool for adapting to climate change based on ecosystems (EBA) and strengthening its mitigating role as carbon sinks , so that they are sustainable and persistent.

This project, of 52 months duration and a budget of 1.8 million euros, has the participation of the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia, Coordinator of Organizations of farmers and ranchers rural initiative of Murcia (COAG), Engineering Natural Environment (IDEN) and New Culture for Climate (NCC).

The specific objectives of the project are:

– Implement adaptive solutions, with soft technologies and sustainable, intelligent and integrated measures aimed at adapting to ecosystem-based climate change (EBA) with practical development of the demonstration project and participation of agents involved

– Develop monitoring and monitoring methodologies and indicators to quantify and evaluate transformative impacts produced in the increase of carbon (initiative 4 per thousand), in ecosystem services of natural capital and combating the desertification of mediterranean dryland agricultural soils

– Contribute to improve the practical knowledge of these agricultural systems in a more precise way, through the modeling of organic carbon accounting and ecosystem services to assess adaptation (EBA) and mitigation to change through the integration of the analysis of the cost / benefit

– Encourage transferability and replicability of ex ante and post project project actions, through the participation of stakeholders with the promotion of Voluntary Agreements of farmers and creation of the Territory Custody Entity, as catalysts and drivers for the adoption of the strategy of adaptation

– Promote sustainable, intelligent and integrated development, through the improvement of rainfed agricultural soils, in order to favor the establishment of population to the territory, green economy and circular and generation of rural employment

– Contributing to governance by analyzing existing financial instruments and formulating new proposals for project sustainability once finalized (voluntary agreements with diffuse sector, among others) that allow sustainable, integrated and intelligent growth in rural areas of rainfed cultivation

– Inform, sensitize and encourage the actors involved in the sustainability of rainfed agricultural systems to bring about a change in the attitude and business culture, with encouragement of the calculation of the carbon footprint, which allows progress in a low carbon economy and facilitate the implementation of the AbE

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